Wednesday, November 13, 2013

I can finally REALLY post now!

You guys, the real reason that I didn't blog for about 2 months was because I found out I'M PREGNANT!! I found out on September 24th (happy birthday, Dad!) and I knew I couldn't say a thing on here unless I wanted to tell everyone already. Which I wasn't ready to do.

But, because I went public last night with this news, I can blog again!

And in case you don't check facebook, this was my adorable announcement! (Created by myself!)

We found out RIGHT away, as we were trying for a little while. When one day goes past your expected "time of the month", you automatically start thinking something's up. Especially if you're me with the most regular woman schedule ever! I took the test when Cody was at work, and I had to wait 5 hours to tell him! My goodness, that was one of the hardest things I ever had to do in my life!! I was also supposed to call Kaylee back that afternoon, but I knew I couldn't call her and keep it a secret (yanno, the husband should probably know about the pregnancy before the sister..) so I didn't have contact with anyone, and I tried to keep myself busy for the rest of the night until Cody got home. Hardest. Thing. Ever.

Anyways, we're super super excited, and we got to see our baby for the first time yesterday!! It was the cutest thing, seeing it dancing around in my belly!!

When the doctor was showing us the ultrasound, he had some really great shots of the baby with legs, arms, and body in view! But the picture he decided to print for us looks like this..

Which is totally fine with me, because I can tell that it's a real baby in there, but it definitely wasn't the best! You can see the hands, face, and little body. You guys, I used to look at other people's ultrasound pictures and think, "What in the world even is that? Boring." But when it's your own child, it's completely different!!!!! I love this little treasure, and I can't wait until our next appointment to see how much it's grown!

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