So, I'm officially obsessed with plants! We currently have 8, because of the sweet bunco prize that I won tonight! Like I said on Facebook, I love it when I bring a super awesome prize, and then I win and get to pick first, and take home what I brought.. It makes me so happy!! Here's the two plants:
We bought them at Lowes and all together, both plants, pots, and pot bottoms, came to $10.11! Such a good deal! And I bought the clay pots so I could customize them to our room, and I'll probably paint them black and white like this one that I did last night:
This plant (and the other Croton that we had) just doesn't want to stay alive! So many leaves have fallen off already, but these ones that are left are goin strong! I got the idea for the painting from none other than E
lise Blaha Cripe, of course. I just love her and her sense of style. It's not perfect, as I just freehanded the whole thing, but it's perfect enough for me because I LOVE IT!
So now on that shelf thing, we have all four of these plants:
Such a happy sight, right?!
Also, if you didn't see the picture on FB, Cody and I planted a few fruits and veggies. See?
There's cucumbers, watermelons, cantaloupes, beans, peas, squash, gray pumpkin, and two different types of tomatoes. And look what I found when I went outside tonight??!?!
One cucumber plant decided to make an appearance!! He's the first one so far, but I have high hopes for the rest of them (:
Also, it was this little dude's birthday on Monday! One year old!! He was so cute and sleepy all day (:
So, for a long time, I've been wanting a cute necklace with Cody's initial on it because he has a necklace that reminds him of me, and I had my eye on
this one. It never felt right to get it, and then on Memorial Day weekend, I looked again and she had it on sale for $13.50! So I snatched it right up. I LOVE IT!
The chain it came with was actually like 2 inches shorter than this, and I hated it, so I ghettoly added a few more inches using another big chain.
A few days ago, Cody and I wanted hot dogs, but didn't want to put them in the microwave. And since we don't have a grill, we made a fire in our back yard and cooked some up!
Yes, that's a paint roller without the foam thing. We got desperate.
We brought the rest of our food outside, along with Dexter's food, and watched Raising Hope on the computer. Beautiful weather, great food, awesome show.. I'd say it was a wonderful night!
Oh.. and then one of the metal pokeys from the paint roller just came off. Whoops!
I love my cute boys!
Isn't this peony BEAUTIFUL?! Dexter liked the smell apparently.
So it sat in our kitchen for a few days until it died.
Also, last Friday we went camping with Cody's family for their annual family campout, and Dexter found a dead snake right before we left!
Yummy, right?! I was trying to get a video of it, because he was so happy and proud of himself for finding it! He was practically leaping everywhere he went!
And then Cody and I were shooting Austin's bow and arrows, and Cody got a bullseye...
And I got all four of my arrows on the box! Let it be known that this was my first time shooting a bow and arrow since I was like 7, and the arrows weren't the best. I'M AWESOME, RIGHT?!
This post is almost long enough to be called a book, so I'll end with my skills. See ya on the flip side, or whenever I do something that's worthy of a post.