Thursday, July 5, 2012

Weekend fun!

So, I've got this friend. And this friend is a girl. And she's awesome. And is my best girl friend. AND I GET TO SPEND THE WEEKEND WITH HER AND HER CUTE BOYFRIEND AND MY HUSBAND!!! [Talk about the best thing ever!] (: It's Carly! Which of course you all know her, because.. you just do. 
Cody, myself, Carly and Jake down in St. George during Spring Break!
Well, she's dating this kid who moved to Las Vegas to go to PT school, and it sucks doing long distance relationships. BUT, he's coming into town this weekend, and we planned a whole two-day camping/fun trip! Tomorrow night, after Cody gets off work, we'll drive down to Carly's cabin near Ephraim (Don't worry, Cody and I are being the chaperones.. haha, that's cool) and we're just going to party all night long! Games, movies, you name it! The next morning, we'll wake up and go 4-wheeling for a while, then come back down to Provo and hike Stewart Falls! It's such a gorgeous hike, and super easy! Nice perk (; Then we might float the Provo River, because I think Cody's the only one that has done it, and I hear it's an experience to try? And if we don't do that, we'll spend the rest of the day at the pool, practicing our back-flipping skills!!

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