Thursday, June 7, 2012

Summer Vacations

Aren't vacations just so lovely!? We bought our tickets to Washington last night! We were originally planning on driving, but we just got a pretty good deal on the flights, and since I HATE HATE HATE driving, flying was a no-brainer! Now we're going from driving for two entire days down to driving 4 hours to and from both airports and 4 hours on both planes (: Now that's my kind of traveling! We are incredibly blessed to be able to spend 9 and a half days there! I can't even describe how excited I am to not only see my family, but have my amazing husband by my side the entire time! We're going the end of July through the first week in August, so I'll be there for my birthday! We're already planning some boating sessions, trips to Seattle, and possibly even a camping trip! Gosh I miss Washington!

For our wedding, my Mom and Kevin gave us two free nights in a condo up in Park City, and we're hopefully going to be able to spend a weekend in August up there, away from everything we have going on. Go hiking, go out to eat.. we're going to have fun! I've only been to Park City once for a day when I visited Kaylee on my 16th birthday I think it was. We had fun, and now, (well I sound like a broken record) I get to experience it all with my husband! Everything's so much better with him (:

And, this isn't a vacation, but we're going to Lagoon this weekend! I've never been there, but I've heard so much about it from everyone and their dogs! One of Cody's really good friends was able to get us tickets for $15 when they're normally up in the $40s! So we're heading up there at 10 in the morning and going to have such a blast!

1 comment:

  1. Cute picture! We're excited to have you too!!! Camping, boating, Seattle, games...the works!!! And smart to buy your you can't get out of it!!! Ha ha!!!
