We got a puppy! And I know you don't like puppies, Kayla, but you need to know (: We absolutely love him! But I'll tell the story first!
We went on a hike up Donut falls on Saturday, and it's FREAKING GORGEOUS!! It was a pretty dang easy hike, but it was absolutely worth it! The hike up to the actual Donut part was a little tough, and you have to walk through a little stream, but it's pretty easy to stay out of the water.
After the hike, we were STARVING, so we decided to eat at Kneaders.. Which is a very special treat because of how expensive they are. But it was delicious beyond all measurement!! We then decided it would be fun to rent a movie.. yanno, from Blockbuster! So we were looking all over for them, and ended up at Animal Ark, where Blockbuster used to be right next to. So of course, we go inside and start looking around, and I'm not kidding.. there are some of thee cutest dogs there! It seriously broke my heart to have to leave without one! They were about $700, and I was just about ready to unload our savings account.. Good thing Cody was there to stop me. So we leave, keep searching for a Blockbuster, turns out there isn't any in our area (.. maybe at all?) so we gave up and went home. But the second we got home, I was looking on KSL, Craigslist, Nickle Saver, shelters.. EVERYWHERE to find a puppy! We wanted a small one, just because of our situation right now, and Grandma said it was okay to have him outside.. (so don't tell her that we keep him inside..) and I was sooo sad because we couldn't find the right one. So we posted something on Facebook asking if anyone was giving away a small puppy, for free preferably, but we'd spend a little bit if necessary.
Then, Cody's cousin, Carmin, commented. I didn't even see it, my sister texted me and told me that someone said they had a puppy for us! Turns out, here dog had puppies, and they were trying to find homes for them. She was selling them for around $400, but the second I saw that, I realized it wasn't a possibility. But when she commented, she said she wasn't looking for money, just a good home for him. So we went and saw him on Sunday afternoon, fell in love, and picked him on on Monday! (After I bought all the necessities!)
Cody and I are both SO IN LOVE WITH HIM!! He is the cutest thing ever! I need to cut the hair that's in front of his eyes so he can see, but I want to wait until he's REALLY comfortable with us first.
Anyways, he's a Shih Tzu, 13 weeks old, and his name when we got him was Stryker, but he doesn't answer to it (and he doesn't look like a Stryker) so we're thinking of changing his name to Dexter (: I'll let you know if that name's the one that lasts, and I'm sure I'll be doing some "Dexter Diaries" posts on the blog now.. So look forward to getting to know him more!