Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Isn't he just so adorable?! I don't know why he looks so excited though, we were just watching football!

We have been engaged for 2 weeks today!! Although, it feels like it's been forever!! And THAT is awful, because we still have a little less than 4 more months until we get married. BUT! We are actually making plans and are in the right direction toward this whole wedding/reception thing!
  • We called the temple and reserved the room and time, (January 21st, 11:00am)
  • We may have found our reception hall?! We have to go check it out and figure out all of the details, but it's at the Provo Library!! Who would have known, right? And for only $500!!
  • We figured out all of the details for our HONEYMOON!!!!!! If everything plays out how it's supposed to, we're going on a 7 day cruise to Mexico!! So cross your fingers and pray REAL HARD that everything works out for that!
  • We're getting our engagement pictures taken on Friday (His sister Jenae is taking them.. for FREE!)
  • I might already have an idea of what I want my dress to look like? But...
  • I'm going wedding dress shopping today (with Trina((Cody's Mom)) and Kaylee((My Sister))) and on Friday with Carly!((Roommate/Bestfriend))
  • One of Cody's neighbors offered to do the pictures, and possibly even the film, for our wedding, the entire day, FOR FREE!!!!!!
  • Cody's grandma makes wedding cakes, so we'll be getting that FOR FREE!!

Annnd, that's all that we've done so far. But that's pretty good for just doing all of that within the last week! Plus, like I said, we aren't getting married for another 4 months. So we've got time (:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Lined Paper.

Wedding planning makes Cody say funny things. Well.. everyday makes Cody say funny things. But we were looking at invitations the other day on etsy.com and we weren't finding ANYTHING!! We got 40 pages in before I finally gave up on the whole thing and got super frustrated and told Cody that we're not going to be sending out invitations. We're just going to write on lined paper all the information that everyone's going to need and send that with MAYBE a picture of the two of us.. MAYBE! I might just end up drawing two stick figures and call it good.

ANYWAYS, back to what Cody was saying.. Whilst browsing the web of numerous invitations.. Cody said "Yanno.. there are a lot of people in this world who, for some reason, like really ugly things.. I really don't get it"

I was just very happy that I wasn't alone in that thought. We walked away from the computer, got some food, and the next day went back on the computer looking again. And don't worry, I think we may have found something (: No lined paper after all!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The Engagement Story!

On Tuesday(yesterday), we went to our Building an Eternal Marriage institute class, made some delicious hamburger helper for dinner, and we were about to eat some Oreo's with milk when he suggests that we go climb on the roof of Pizza Pie again and play card games. So we drive over there, and for some reason I start to get all nervous about getting caught while climbing up the ladder. Plus, there were still some employees in the restaurant that were cleaning up, so if they heard us, we might get caught by them too! Well, Cody talks me into thinking that we'll be fine. So we go toward the back of the restaurant where the ladder is, and the gate that's usually locked and covering the ladder is open. Now I really think that we are going to get caught because if the gate is open, that means that someone is up there, meaning that we can't be sneaky. He again tells me that it's okay, so I start climbing up the stairs. We get up there, and I start walking to where we sat earlier in July to play the card games! Well, that place wasn't good enough for Cody.. Neither was the next place, or the next, and we just kept walking around the entire roof. He finally tells me to walk on top of this wall thing and go to the other side of it, so I do, and when I get there, I see it! There's a ton of roses (2 dozen to be exact) in a bucket, some rose pedals on the ground with a CD on top of it, and a CD player right next to that. Then on the corner of the roof, there's a video camera, and that's when I realized that we probably weren't going to be playing card games.. He picks up the CD, says something witty, then puts it in. He asked if I could hear it, which I couldn't, so I listened closer and realized it was Cody singing! He freaking wrote me a song! So of course the whole time it's playing, I'm freaking out, realizing that this is the night, and he starts getting nervous, and I'm just going crazy with happiness. The song's called How Do I Describe, and it talks about how he can't ever find the words to describe how he's feeling, so he'll just have to settle for saying I Love You. The very last line of the song says "How do I find the words to tell her how I feel? I'm gonna ask her if she'll marry me tonight." Right after the song ended, he knelt down on one knee and said "Shaylin Dewey, will you marry me?" AHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! Yes of course I will!!!!!!!!

His sister was there taking pictures the whole time, so I'll be getting those soon (:

We're engaged! He's my fiance.. and I'm his fiancee! WE'RE GETTING MARRIED!!!

Our story

Cody and I met in July 2011 while playing Ultimate Frisbee at Carterville Park which was organized by a couple of people from both of our wards. We said a few things back and forth, but nothing more than that. On July 13th [Wednesday], we started talking more than just a little bit. I realized that he and his roommates and wardies were super nice and we should start hanging out with them! We invite Cody + Friends to play with us that Saturday up in the mountains at our glow in the dark badminton tournament, so I give Cody my number so they can get more information. Right after we left ultimate, Cody invited us to come play volleyball at his apt complex. Then he invited me over the next night to watch a movie. Then we hung out Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday.. etc. On Wednesday, we watched an outdoor movie at his apt complex and he put his arm around me for the first time! When the movie was over, we went on a walk, held hands, and somehow ended on the roof of Pizza Pie Cafe [my workplace]. We were up there for at least 2 or 3 hours just talking and getting to know each other, and really started to like each other. That Sunday, I went home and met his family. Cutest family ever!! Then on Monday, the 25th, we were watching Enchanted and he said to me.. "So.. a couple of people asked if we're dating.. and I just told them that you're my girlfriend.. Is that okay?" FREAK YEAH IT IS! I was ecstatic! Everything just fell into place, and it still continues to do just that! We were indiscreetly talking about marriage before we were even dating for a week by saying things like "Well.. I'm starting to think SUPER long term with you.. Maybe.." On my birthday, he gave me 21 roses throughout the day with 4 of thee cutest love notes you've ever read. After all of the festivities, he told me that he wanted to spend some time with me alone, so we drove up to the bottom of The Y and talked for a while, until we were getting eaten alive by mosquitoes. So we went to Carterville Park to try and star gaze, but the grass was completely soaked.. So we went on a walk around the track. Once we made a full circle, he said "Well, I actually had something set up for us.." Which is when I looked to the middle of the field and see a blanket set out with more roses and a teddy bear with a shirt saying "You are amazing" on it. We walked out there and he said a few cute things followed by "I hope this is okay to say.... I love you." FINALLY! I'd been wanting to say that forever! (Hah, we have only been dating for exactly a week at this point.. But for real. I felt it!) The next week, we started talking a lot about getting married, and then we went to 2 wedding receptions which definitely made us talk about it even more.

A couple weekends later, he and his family invited me to go to Missouri and Illinois with them. BIG DEAL! His older brother was planning on getting sealed to his wife and baby. While we were there, we had some really amazing experiences, and it was also there that Cody told me he was going to start praying a different way, and rather than asking if it was okay to marry me, he was going to say that he wanted to marry me, and if God didn't want that to happen, He should intervene somehow. Neither of us had gotten a real concrete answer, but everything felt so right the entire time! We got home from Nauvoo on the 1st of Sept, and the next weekend we decided to go ring looking. I don't say ring shopping because we only wanted to get an idea of what I liked and prices and such. Well, we went to three different stores, and I ended up finding the ring that I completely fell in love with at Fred Meyer Jewelers.. Turns out they had a sale going on that ended on Monday. Remember.. This is Saturday. That meant, if we wanted that ring, and that sale price, we'd have to purchase it within 2 days. Holy serious slap in the face! We needed to figure out if we really really wanted to get married, because $2000 is a lot of freaking money. We started praying our little hearts out all night and through the day on Sunday. We went to his parent's house Sunday night and Cody got a Father's Blessing, in which Heavenly Father directly told us that we already knew that we were supposed to get married and that we SHOULD get married. He said versions of that 3 times in the blessing. Okay! Talk about an answer!! Yes yes yes yes yes!! Needless to say, Cody went and bought the ring the next day (: It had to get re-sized though, so I knew I was going to have to wait a little while until he'd propose. We were planning on going to St. George that weekend so that he could meet my Mom, and I so thought he was going to do it either Friday, Saturday or Sunday.. Well, when he didn't do it then, I was completely baffled! Then he told me he wasn't getting the ring in until Wednesday, so that made a little more sense. Monday, we went to my sister/brother-in-law's house for dinner, and when we left, I just wanted to go home, take a shower and go to bed. I was definitely being Mrs. Grumpy Pants. Well, his sister was having car troubles, so he wanted me to go with him. We get there and he's messing around with the car, while I'm just sitting there wanting to go home. He couldn't do anything about the car right then without the parts for it, so we just went back to my apartment. Yeah, apparently, he was trying to propose, but it just didn't work out.